The Soul Bleeds

I’m sitting in a room, a quiet dark room. I’m thinking of all the lost time, all the mistakes made. Thinking about how life got turned upside down,twisted and turned completely around. How does one attract people who only take?Take what’s not theirs, never was,never could be.Take without giving, take while cutting, chopping, digging, burying.Do you even know my soul bleeds?
It’s cold in here, I can’t warm up.The chills are cold, hard, unforgiving.The thoughts are coming, coming fast, furiously, unrelenting, make it stop!Shhh, listen, hear the wind? It’s hitting the window hard. It sounds angry, violent, vengeful. It sounds like it will snap me in two, not caring that my thoughts…
My thoughts come fast and furious. Back to back rushing to get all the attention. The adrenaline starts to warm my body. It’s like hot chocolate with extra whipped cream making it’s tasty way through my system. Shhh, be quiet, look, pay attention. Pay attention to what I say, what I do and how I do and say it. I am here and I am amazing!
I’m sitting in a room, a quiet dark room. Look at me, touch me, do you even notice? Look at me! The soul bleeds.


  1. donnahrb · March 5, 2020

    Love it!

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